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Tapentadol is an opioid medication that is used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain, where other more commonly available painkillers have not worked. It is not a medication that would be prescribed first for pain. The first line of defence when treating pain are individual doses or a combination of the following medications - paracetamol, ibuprofen, and aspirin. However, these medications are often not strong enough to cope with pain that is anything more than mild.


About Tapentadol

Tapentadol Drug Facts

Tapentadol, also known by its brand names Nucynta and Palexia, was first discovered in the late 1980's by the same team of scientists that developed Tramadol in 1962, the German pharmaceutical company Grunenthal. They were looking for a painkiller that did not require metabolising, had minimal impact on serotonin activity and had a strong effect on blocking neurotransmitters that are related to stress, such as when the body is in fight-or-flight mode. They started by analysing Tramadol, and eventually from this developed Tapentadol. Despite it being discovered in the late 1980's, it was not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration until 2009, when it then entered the US market. Following this, it was then approved for use in 100's of other countries all over the world. In 2011, a new formulation of this medication was developed, Tapentadol Extended Release, otherwise known as Nucynta ER, which has a much slower release over a longer period of time, making it much easier for it to treat moderate to severe chronic pain which is consistently present.

Tapentadol Uses

In relation to specific conditions that Tapentadol tablets would be used to treat, this is dependent on which version of the medication is being taken. There are two different versions of Tapentadol, the Immediate Release version and the Extended-Release version.

The Immediate Release version is used to treat issues where the pain is not long term, or chronic, and will disappear when the condition, or injury goes. One of its main uses, aside from for the treatment of pain following an injury, is to treat post-surgery pain. Following surgery, people will often find that they are in pain for a period of time, depending on the severity of the surgery. For those where the surgery has been quite invasive, this medication is useful due to its potent effects. A study was conducted in 2019 into its use for treating pain following total hip replacement surgery, abdominal hysterectomy, and bunionectomy, with medication given every 4-6 hours for a maximum of 72 hours. In total, 1,447 people took part in this study, and it was found that Tapentadol was not only a huge improvement in the reduction of pain in comparison to the placebo, but also showed similar improvements in comparison to Morphine and Oxycodone. In summary, the study found that it had 'strong analgesic efficacy and is well tolerated in multiple post-surgery conditions of moderate to severe pain'.

As previously mentioned, the Extended-Release version is used to treat chronic pain. Chronic pain is any long-term pain which lasts longer than 12 weeks, despite medication or treatment. One common type of pain that is chronic is neuropathic pain, which is pain associated with the nerves and nervous system. Some of the conditions where neuropathic pain is a symptom are:

  • Spinal cord injuries - As the spine is involved in the central nervous system, which is responsible for nerve signals travelling throughout it, once this becomes damaged, the nerves also become damaged. This damage can result in abnormal communication between the nerves, which can send signals that the body is experiencing pain, even in areas where there is little to no feeling.
  • Fibromyalgia - this condition is a long-term pain condition, where the exact cause is not known. It is often triggered by stressful events, which can be either physical or psychological stress. Persistent muscle and soft tissue pain are often present, which can be described as soreness, aching, or throbbing in the body.

How Tapentadol Works

Tapentadol works in a very similar way to Tramadol, with a dual mechanism of action. It works by activating opioid receptors and inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine at the same time, allowing it to work on several levels to increase its effectiveness. It activates opioid receptors by binding to them in our central nervous system. These opioid receptors work in the same way regardless of whether they are activated by natural endorphins or synthetic opioids, hence why endorphin increasing activity is often shown to reduce pain. When Tapentadol binds to the opioid receptors, it increases your pain threshold, as well as reducing the transmission of pain signals from our peripheral nervous system to our central nervous system. This results in a reduction in pain.

Tapentadol vs Lyrica

If you are unable to decide on which pain medication to take, you may be looking to make a comparison with medications that you are already familiar with. Here we will compare it with another popular medication and compare Tapentadol vs Lyrica (pregabalin). There are some similarities with these two medications, such as:

  • They are both used to treat chronic pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis.
  • They are both used to treat neuropathic pain, which is pain relating to the nerves and nervous system.
  • They can both be used to treat fibromyalgia.

There are also differences between these two medications, such as:

  • Tapentadol is an opioid medication, whereas Lyrica is a gabapentinoid.
  • Tapentadol is a more potent painkiller than Lyrica.
  • Lyrica is used to treat a variety of other conditions, such as epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, and generalised anxiety disorder.

It is your choice which medication you decide to take, as each has its advantages and disadvantages. However, if you're looking for a powerful painkiller to treat pain fast and effectively, then Tapentadol pills are the best option.

Before Buying Tapentadol

Before you buy Tapentadol, you should ensure that it is the appropriate choice for you. As previously mentioned this medication is used for moderate to moderately severe pain. Pain as a concept is difficult to judge. One definition of pain from the International Association for the Study of Pain is 'an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage'. However, pain is relative, and it can be difficult to describe exactly how much pain we are in. Therefore, to combat this issue, pain scales were created, to allow people to describe their pain more easily. One of these pain scales is the Allina Health Pain Assessment Scale, which is used in parts of the United States. This scale is as follows:

0 - No Pain

1 - 3 - Mild Pain - Pain doesn't interfere with your regular activities

  • You may barely notice the pain
  • You may feel some twinges of pain
  • You may notice the pain, but you can tolerate it

4 - 6 - Moderate Pain - Pain may interfere with your regular activities

  • You can ignore the pain at times
  • You can't ignore the pain, but you can still work through some activities
  • Pain makes it hard to concentrate

7 - 9 - Severe Pain - Pain keeps you from doing your regular activities

  • Pain distracts you and limits your ability to sleep
  • Pain is so intense that you have trouble talking
  • Pain is so bad that you can't do any of your regular activities, including talking or sleeping

10 - Worst Pain You Can Imagine

In relation to the levels of pain that Tapentadol would be used to treat, this would be anything between a 6 and a 9. Between a 3 and a 6 could be treated with tramadol, or even ibuprofen, paracetamol, and aspirin, and above a 9 would have to be treated with stronger painkillers like fentanyl or morphine.

Anything between a 0 and a 3 can be treated with the following methods and may not need medication at all. Alternatively, the following techniques can be used to supplement medication in any level of pain above a 3:

  • Meditation and mindfulness - these 'mind over body' techniques help you to stop focusing on the pain and retain a sense of control over your own body. Additionally, this can resolve anxiety, which can often serve to exacerbate pain.
  • Yoga and tai chi - studies have shown that these gentle stretching exercises can relieve pain over the long-term, as the stretching and gentle exercise can prevent further injury and can release endorphins.
  • Therapeutic massage - this can ease pain by working through tension and knots in joints and muscles and relieving anxiety.

How To Take Tapentadol

This medication should be taken whole with a glass of water. It should never be crushed or chewed. It may be taken with or without food, as food does not impact the effectiveness of Tapentadol tablets.

For the Immediate Release, one tablet should be taken every 4 to 6 hours if needed, as this is how long the effects last. For the Extended Release, one tablet should be taken every 12 hours or so, to ensure that the levels of pain are managed consistently.

Tapentadol Dosage

The starting Tapentadol dose for the Immediate Release version should be 50mg. This may be increased by your doctor if needed, but no more than 700mg should be taken within the first 24 hours, and as a rule, no more than 600mg should be taken per day. For the Extended Release, the starting dose is also 50mg, however, the maximum daily Tapentadol dose for this is 500mg per day.

Once taken, Tapentadol effects should start to be felt after around 30 minutes. It's quick on-set of effects is one of the reasons people often look to buy Tapentadol in the EU instead of other medications.

Tapentadol Side Effects

One of the reasons why people choose to buy Tapentadol as opposed to other opioids, is that this is a particularly potent painkiller, with a very small risk of side effects. Some of the most common Tapentadol side effects are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Euphoria

As previously mentioned, this medication is generally well tolerated. However, if you think you are starting to have an allergic reaction to this medication, you should immediately seek medical help.

It is also important before you buy Tapentadol online that you do not intend on mixing it with alcohol, as this can increase the risk of side effects.

Tapentadol Interactions

Tapentadol pills are considered a safe medication so far as opioids go, however there are some people who should refrain altogether from taking it. These groups of people are:

  • People with acute respiratory depression
  • People with a serious head injury
  • People who have impaired bowel function

There are also groups of people who may need to be monitored if they take this medication, as they are at an increased risk. Some of these groups of people are:

  • People with asthma
  • People with sleep apnoea
  • Elderly people
  • People with a history of substance abuse

Buy Tapentadol Online Today

When looking for further pain relief, the only way of obtaining something stronger than the above is via a doctor's prescription or via an online pharmacy, such as ours. One unfortunate issue with attempting to obtain a medication such as Tapentadol from a doctor is that pain is something that is not always visible, and often doctors will be reluctant to prescribe opioids, since they may not believe that the patient is truly in the amount of pain that they describe. Additionally, some people find it embarrassing to have to attend doctor's appointments and describe how they feel to a stranger. With our online pharmacy, you can buy Tapentadol cheaply, without having to discuss your issues with someone you do not know. Furthermore, this medication is not as well-known as other medications which treat pain, making it easiest to buy Tapentadol online here.

Why not browse our full list of medications on Not only can you buy Tapentadol in the EU, but we also stock a wide range of other medications that may be difficult to get hold of via a doctor. You can buy genuine medication at incredibly low prices, so click now to see more!

Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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